
Connecting seasoned experts with early stage founders to help them build, grow, and scale their business.


ClassroomX is an educational activation, bringing together industry titans to help entrepreneurs succeed.


Entrepreneurs and their teams can sometimes struggle to get their footing and this situation leads to dropping off before they can see any wins. This problem stems from them focusing on “making sh*t happen” and overvaluing short term results vs. long term strategic planning, having an effective product, and going through the right process. 

For people in Silicon Valley, learning the ropes of the startup world is something that we have access to, but outside of the Valley or the New York ecosystem, access to people with the right knowledge and education is oftentimes nonexistent.

Allow us to reintroduce ourselves.

 The event activation was aimed at training, educating and helping entrepreneurs, founders and developers gain knowledge about the basics of entrepreneurship and product development at selected high profile forums and conferences.

A big goal for Samsung NEXT was to build brand awareness. While everyone knows “Samsung,” not everyone knew we invested in startups through our innovation arm, Samsung NEXT. Through the event, we sought to increase social media engagement, newsletter sign ups, and other lead generation activity to increase our pipeline in the SaaS seed/early stage startup space.

In addition, we also produced content that was later utilized for online campaigns after the event and helped position ourselves as thought-leaders in the startup community.


Can you hear us now?

We were able to promote ClassroomX during Samsung NEXT’s CIO keynote at Web Summit to introduce our company and drive traffic to the booth. We built a space that would attract attention, but that was also easy to understand visually. We showcased and promoted a curated group of instructors and thought-leaders for the different sessions and we even had an onsite live podcast studio for interviews.

Comprehensive online campaign via social media, blog posts and video content teased the activation and allowed sign up for classes driven by a message of exclusivity.

Our digital strategy consisted of running programmatic online ad campaigns targeting our audience as well as guerrilla marketing through social media channels such as reddit, whatsapp, linkedin, facebook groups, etc.

The results.

During the 3 day event, we hosted 17 classes with subject matter experts, providing attendees with valuable content, but also giving them the opportunity to interact with these experts in a small and intimate setting.  All of our sessions were completely full and we had to increase capacity and build a waiting list.

Attendees lined up at our booth up to 45 min before their scheduled classes. This had a big impact, increasing foot traffic and sign ups to our newsletter and sessions.

Our social media engagement increased by 30%, achieving the highest spike through all 2019.  As part of our content strategy, we created an online repository of all 17 sessions for on demand access and published 8 podcast interviews through our channel. 

Our early stage startup database increased by 700 new leads an our activation was scored at 55 NPS score (excellent)  from attendees, and 90% said they would attend future editions of ClassroomX.