Virtual Events

Opportunity in time of crisis: expanding brand reach globally.


Virtual and online events are more important than ever, as we adapt to the new normal.

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LTX Fest 2020

At LTX Fest, which is the largest in-person annual gathering of Latinx tech professionals, we knew that now more than ever, it was critical to create and hold space for the community at such a difficult time.

Of course, moving a conference online is no easy task, however, LTX Fest successfully hosted the nation’s largest conference for Latinx professionals in tech for the fourth year running, with more than 7,000 registrations!

During 4 days in October, we hosted an online festival with live sessions, recorded talks, online networking and recruitment booths which provided attendees with invaluable knowledge, learning opportunities, job opportunities and a chance to meet and connect with people like them.

Read the event blog post

Startup Festivus - Bloomberg Beta

We may be distant, and yet… we needed a celebration more than ever.

Despite our fatigue with video “parties,” we just decided -- maybe there is a way. So… we found one and hosted the best end of the year startup party!

In a just-for-2020 way, we virtually brought together founders, our friends, and new startups that needed a warm moment for the holidays (those too small or who couldn’t afford a party of their own).

Similar to Festivus of years past, we wanted this year to be a “Choose Your Own Adventure.” Multiple activities happened simultaneously, some of which were open for the entire event and others only at specific times such as a live DJ, Among Us game, Illusionist, Photo Booth, Ice Breaker or the Lego Room.

Because no startup should be alone for the holidays



How the CARES Act and SBA Loans can help your startup.

For our first event in the “Tactical Advice for Entrepreneurs During COVID” series, I organized a private session to help our portfolio companies make sense of the U.S. government's economic response and programs it rolled out to help small businesses. We invited Dr. Randall Kroszner, Deputy Dean for Executive Programs at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and former Governor of the Federal Reserve, to discuss how the CARES Act, SBA Loans, and crisis management. While giving a rundown of the new available funding options, Dr. Kroszner also cautioned founders they should be prepared for the long haul and be realistic and thoughtful about their burn rate and long-term finances in what could be an extended financial disruption.

Here's a recap of the conversation.

Framing and assessing risk in a downturn economy.

This was my second virtual event in the “Tactical Advice for Entrepreneurs during COVID” series, and it took place on March 7th, focusing on advising startups on how to frame and assess risk in an economic downturn.

During this event, Sparrey Consulting Group CFO Amit Kapur and Samsung NEXT Sr. Director of M&A Tim Casio discussed how to balance risk strategies while reviewing different projection scenarios. Both have experience navigating economic shocks in the past: Amit had to navigate regulatory changes and adapt to unpredictable markets, Tim was forced to reassess priorities and fiscal projections during the 2008 financial crisis.


AI for the digital food experience.

Samsung NEXT partnered with Women of AI showcase one of our products, Whisk, a food platform built with Artificial Intelligence. As our speaker, we selected Lotem Peled-Cohen. Lotem is a rising star in AI from our Tel Aviv office, currently acting as the Machine Learning Product Manager for Whisk at Samsung NEXT. She shared how the Whisk app can improve your food journey and how Whisk’s “Food AI” technology brings together user preferences, behavior, and context to deliver personalized cooking experiences.

Recap | Event Recording